Tag Archives: he who lifts heavy things

Here – and a piece of pizza on the side

I love living here. I love the quirky comeliness that makes this place my home. I love being five minutes down the street from an ex who still lifts heavy things when I need him to (this week it was a tractor tire). I love the craziness that goes on here – like the truck blowing up next door at 6:14 am on Sunday. I love that I meet friends in the grocery store. I love that I order farm-fresh produce from a friend and pick it up on Main Street on Wednesday afternoons. I love the mountain vistas I see everywhere I drive (especially after a long day of work). I love that after all these years of looking, here is home. I finally have a home, a place to put roots – quirky, crazy, lovely roots surrounded by quirky, crazy, lovely people. Those who lift heavy things, and grow delicious peas, and create and share and believe in the beauty that is here.

With that said, here is that last piece of my perfectly simple pizza – the assembly.


1 pita

1 T parsley pest

5 slices vine ripened tomato

5 slices (or whatever fits the pita) fresh mozzarella

1 t. finely minced fresh oregano

salt, pepper, hot pepper to taste

1. Set oven to broil

2. Place whole pita on baking sheet (or pizza pan). Spread parsley pesto on the top. Add tomato, oregano and cheese. Top with salt, pepper and hot pepper.

3. Place under broiler and cook until cheese melts.

4. Enjoy the simple, easy perfect perfection that is a 5 minute pizza.

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Filed under Basics, Day to day, Food